A Little Ray Of Hope In A Dark Tunnel

While all of this media coverage may make big news, it's what they aren't covering that I find most interesting. Here in our local community, many people have stepped up and have begun giving their time, money and food to those who are having trouble making it. There are so many ways to give back to the community or to get help from it, that I'm sure, no matter what community you are in, you can find someone who can use your help or help you!
In our community there are several groups on Facebook and local churches that are organizing campaigns to raffle off grocery gift cards, meals and shopping trips
We have many churches in our area giving meals prepared as well as boxes of food to take home. Even Solvang School, one of our local elementary's is offering free lunches to children.
Many restaurants in our area are donating food to churches to help them feed people in need. And many local chefs are using their connections to get food from many sources to donate.
Regardless of what the talking heads on TV or the Government are doing, it's the local people in your community that make living where you are important. And THEY are the ones making the difference. 

When you hear the saying "It takes a Village . . ." they aren't talking about the actual village doing your responsibilities, it is in reference of the SUPPORT your local village gives you. Regardless of whether you live in a large city or a small town, there are always resources to help.
In no particular order:
You can contact the IRS for individual help to see if you are eligible for an Economic Impact Payment-Click Here
The Web site Grantspace also has TONS of websites to go to for specific job help-whether you work as a nanny, bartender or waitress, you can find your particular situation Here.
For many more opportunities-contact the United Way, you an dial 211, call them Toll Free at 1-800-400-1572 or Text your zip code to 898-211 (for Santa Barbara County Residents only). If you want to find the information for United Way in your area click Here
If you are living in the Santa Barbara County Area:

You can log onto the Santa Barbara County Web Site for Covid 19 aid Here to find more information about stimulus payments, food, donations and more. There is quite a bit of information on this page, just keep scrolling for food donation sites, food distribution sites, and more.
In the Santa Ynez Valley:
Places you can get supplemental Groceries or Free Meals:
- Church at the Crossroads in Buellton-236 La Lata Drive, 2nd Wednesdays of the month at 12pm
- Buellton Senior Center-164 W. Hwy 246, Monday-Friday 9a-3pm
- People Helping People, Santa Ynez Mission 1760 mission Drive, every Other Thursday 12p-1p, Tuesdays 12pm-2pm
- Bethania Lutheran Church, 603 Atterdag Road, Drive thru and Walk in-Tuesdays 4pm-6pm
- St. Mark's in the Valley, 2901 Nojoqui Avenue Los Olivos-Free Meals, Saturday's 10am-noon, Tuesdays 3pm-5pm.
- Recovery Ranch Direct Relief provides free hot meals at Valley Christian Academy parking lot 891 N. Refugio Road, from 4pm-7pm Daily
- The River of Giving, Delivering food for families, contact (805) 705-1994 or e-mail mailihalme@gmail.com

For More Information Please visit these web sites:
These are just a FEW of the places that are providing meals and groceries to people in need. There are many more if you continue to search. Keep in mind, if you are able, ALL of these places mentioned would love donations from those of us who are lucky enough to have a meal to feed our families or have time on our hands to help.
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members”
~Coretta Scott King*
*excerpt from a LA Times article interview with Coretta Scott King published 01/17/2000
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